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"There are some answers which are very difficult to do on anything other than a primate"

Professor Bob Millar is the Director of the Medical Research Council Human Reproductive Study Unit.  He is quoted in a BBC news article - Calls on ban on monkey testing - on the 7th January 2009 regarding Scottish MP David Martin's proposal that a ban on primate research should extend to labs in Scotland.

"The vast majority of the work that we and other laboratories do is not on living animals, much of the owrk is done on cells and straight molecules.  There are some answers which are very difficult to do on anything other than a pirmate. For example, the primates are mentruating species' so many things to do with women's heath, it is not possible to do with a rat or a sheep, you have to do them with a primate."

Last edited: 27 August 2014 05:49

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