"Research using non-human primates has played a major role in improving human and animal health, and this continues to be the case"
Dr Mark Walport has been the Director of the Wellcome Trust since 2003. His coments below are in regard to the Wetherall Report, a report on the use of non-human primates in research published in December 2006. The study was initiated by the Academy of Medical Sciences , the Royal Society, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. His response to this report, on behalf of the Academy of the Wellcome Trust was:
"We welcome the publication of this independent report from David Weatherall and his colleagues. Together with the other sponsors of the reports we will be considering its recommendations in the coming months. Scientists in the UK rarely use primates, only in carefully regulated situations and where no alternative exists. Research using non-human primates has played a major role in improving human and animal health, and this continues to be the case"
Last edited: 27 August 2014 06:06