"...we must support and protect individuals and companies engaged in life saving medical research"
On the 13th May 2006, Tony Blair wrote an article - Time to act against animal rights protesters - for The Daily Telegraph.
"The appalling details of the campaign of intimidation - which include grave-robbing - show the depths to which the animal extremists are prepared to stoop."
"...we must support and protect individuals and companies engaged in life-saving medical research."
"It is research which has helped hundreds of millions of people through vaccines to eradicate mass killers such as smallpox and medicines and procedures to treat incurable conditions like heart complaints."
"There is no alternative for the foreseeable future to using animals if we are to see the full benefits of scientific advances."
"...experiments involving animals are subject to the tightest restrictios and monitoring. No animal procedures are allowed unless it can be demonstrated to an independent panel that the research is essential, that there is no realistic alternative and that any suffering is kept to an absolute minimum."
"Hundreds of millions of people in the UK and around the world today are alive and healthy beause of the pioneering work of our scientists and researchers."
"Many millions more will be spared an early death or a life of pain because of the research now under way. They deserve our support. And they should get it."
A link to the article can be found below:
Last edited: 27 August 2014 05:56